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On this 2018 edition the latest depth surveys have been applied. The chart specification has been improved to show coloured light flashes. There has been general updating throughout...
Plymouth (1:12 500) Mayflower Marina (1:4500) Sutton Harbour and Queen Anne's Battery Marina (1:4500) River Yealm (1:12 500) Continuation of River Tamar (1:20 000) Continuation of Saint Germans or Lynher River (1:20 000) For this 2017 edition the chart has been fully updated using re..
For this last edition changes have been made to depths and navigational aids as required. Harbour developments and general updating has been applied throughout, and the chart now shows details of the amended Strait of Gibraltar TSS...
On this 2016 edition depths from the latest surveys have been applied throughout. The chart also now shows the London Gateway Container Port, as well as the revised buoyage in its approaches. Various developments to harbours and jetties are also shown...
This edition has been fully updated with revised depths applied throughout, in particular at Wick Bay, Burghead, Montrose Harbour, Aberdeen and the approaches to Inverness Firth. Harbour developments are shown at Wick Bay, Peterhead and Aberdeen...
For this latest edition the chart has been fully updated throughout using revised depth surveys where possible. Whitby harbour developments and the operational Teeside wind farm are also now shown...
Op deze laatste editie zijn er in de gehele periode veranderingen aangebracht aan diepten, windparken, beperkte gebieden en olie- en gasvelden. Deze Imray waterkaart wordt niet ieder jaar opnieuw gedrukt. Om deze Imray waterkaart up to date te houden kunt u een correctieblad downloaden.PRINTED AUGU..
On this edition changes have been made to depths, windfarms, restricted areas, and oil and gas fields throughout. Changes to the North Friesland TSS, due to be implemented 2018, are shown...
On this 2018 edition, the latest known depths have been applied throughout the main chart and on the plans of Grangemouth and Granton. Harbour developments are shown at Granton...
For this 2017 edition the chart has been fully updated throughout using extensive new depth surveys. The completed Greater Gabbard wind farm is now shown. The sketch plans of Wells and Blakeney Harbour have been revised and updated.PRINT SEPTEMBER 2017..